לוגו אוניברסיטת חיפה

Prof. David Share

Department of Learning Disabilities

University of Haifa


David Share
לוגו הפקולטה לחינוך

Articles in Refereed Journals

  1. Share D.L., Jorm A.F., Maclean R., Matthews R., & Waterman, B. (1983). Early reading achievement, oral language ability, and a child's home background. Australian Psychologist,18,75-89.

  2. Jorm A.F., & Share D.L. (1983). Phonological recoding and reading acquisition. Applied Psycholinguistics,4,104-147.

  3. Share D.L. (1984). Interpreting the output of multivariate analyses: A discussion of current approaches. British Journal of Psychology ,75,349-362.

  4. Jorm A.F., Share D.L., Maclean R., & Matthews R. (1984). Phonological confusability in short-term memory for sentences as a predictor of reading ability. British Journal of Psychology,75, 393-400.

  5. Share D.L., Jorm A.F., Maclean R., & Matthews, R. (1984). Sources of individual differences in reading acquisition. Journal of Educational Psychology,76,1309-1324.

  6. Jorm A.F., Share D.L., Maclean R., & Matthews, R. (1984). Phonological recoding skills and learning to read: A longitudinal study. Applied Psycholinguistics,5,201-207.

  7. Jorm A.F., Share D.L., Matthews R., & Maclean R. (1986). Behaviour problems in specific reading retarded and general reading backward children: A longitudinal study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,27,33-43.

  8. Share D.L., & Silva P.A. (1986). The stability and classification of specific reading retardation: A longitudinal study from age seven to age eleven. British Journal of Educational Psychology,56,32-39.

  9. Jorm A.F., Share D.L., Maclean R., & Matthews R. (1986). Cognitive factors at school entry predictive of specific reading retardation and general reading backwardness. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,27,45-54.

  10. Share D.L., Chalmers D., Silva P.A., & Stewart I. (1986). Reading disability and middle ear pathology. Archives of Disease in Childhood ,61,400-401.

  11. McGee R.O., Williams S.M., Share D.L., Anderson J., & Silva P.A. (1986). The relationship between specific reading retardation,general reading backwardness, and behavioural disorders in a large sample of Dunedin boys: A longitudinal study from five to eleven years. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,27,597-610.

  12. Share D.L., McGee R.O., & Silva P.A. (1987). Motor proficiency in dyslexic children with and without attentional disorders. Journal of Human Movement Studies,12,313-320.

  13. Share D.L., Jorm A.F., Maclean R., & Matthews R. (1987). Parental involvement in reading progress. Australian Psychologist,22,43-51.

  14. Share D.L., Silva P.A., & Adler C.J. (1987). Factors associated with reading-plus-spelling retardation and specific spelling retardation: A longitudinal study from age three to age eleven. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,29,72-84.

  15. Share D.L., McGee R., McKenzie D., Williams S.M., & Silva P.A. (1987). Further evidence relating to the distinction between specific reading retardation and general reading backwardness. British Journal of Developmental Psychology,5,35-44.

  16. Share D.L., & Silva P.A. (1987). Language deficits and specific reading retardation. British Journal of Disorders of Communication ,22,219-226.

  17. Share D.L., & Jorm A.F. (1987). Segmental analysis: Co-requisite to reading, vital for self-teaching, requiring phonological memory. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/European Bulletin of Cognitive Psychology ,7,509-513.

  18. Share D.L., Moffitt T.E., & Silva P.A. (1988). Factors associated with arithmetic-and-reading disability and specific arithmetic disability. Journal of Learning Disabilities,21,313-320.

  19. Williams S., Sanderson G., Share D.L., & Silva P.A. (1988). Refractive error, IQ, and reading ability: A longitudinal study from age seven to eleven. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology,30,735-742.

  20. McGee R.O., & Share D.L. (1988). Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity and academic failure: Which comes first and which should be treated? Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,27,318-325.

  21. Share D.L., Jorm A.F., Matthews R., & Maclean R. (1988). Lexical decision and naming times of young disabled readers with function and content words. Australian Journal of Psychology, 40,11-18.

  22. Share D.L., & Schwartz S. (1988). A note on the distinction between Attention Deficit Disorder and Reading Disability: Are there group-specific cognitive deficits? Brain and Language,34,350-352.

  23. Share D.L., McGee R., & Silva P.A. (1989). IQ and reading progress: A test of the capacity notion of IQ. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,28,97-100.

  24. Share D.L. (1990). Self-correction rates: Indices of efficient reading or artefact of text difficulty? Educational Psychology,10,181-186.

  25. Siegal M. & Share D.L. (1990). Contamination sensitivity in young children. Developmental Psychology, 26, 455-458.

  26. Breznitz Z. & Share D.L. (1992). The effects of accelerated reading rate on memory for text. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 193-199.

  27. Feitelson, D., Goldstein, Z., Iraqi, J., & Share, D.L. (1993). Effects of listening to story reading on aspects of literacy acquisition in a diglossic situation. Reading Research Quarterly, 28, 71-79.

  28. Share, D.L. (1995) Phonological recoding and self-teaching: Sine qua non of reading acquisition. Cognition, 55, 151-218.

  29. Birnboim, S., & Share D.L. (1995). Surface dyslexia in Hebrew: A case study. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 12, 825-846.

  30. Siegel, L.S., Share, D.L., & Geva, E. (1995). Dyslexics have orthographic skills that are superior to normal readers. Psychological Science, 6, 250-254.

  31. Share D.L., & Stanovich, K.E. (1995a) Cognitive processes in early reading development: Accommodating individual differences into a model of acquisition. Issues in Education,1, 1-57 (see attached documents for details on this new periodical)

  32. Share D.L., & Stanovich, K.E. (1995b) Accommodating individual differences in critiques: Replies to our commentators. Issues in Education,1, 105-121.

  33. Share, D.L. (1996). Word recognition and spelling processes in specific reading disabled and garden-variety poor readers. Dyslexia, 2, 167-174.

  34. Share, D.L. (1999). Phonological recoding and orthographic learning: A direct test of the self-teaching hypothesis . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 72, 95-129.

  35. Share, D.L., Gur, T. (1999). How reading begins: A study of preschoolers' print identification strategies. Cognition and Instruction, 17, 177-213.

  36. Lamm, O., Share, D.L., Shatil, E., & Epstein, R. (1999). Kindergarten dichotic listening as a predictor of first-grade reading achievement . Dyslexia, 5, 138-154.

  37. Shatil, E., Share, D.L., & Levin, I. (2000). On the contribution of kindergarten writing to Grade 1 literacy: A longitudinal study in Hebrew . Applied Psycholinguistics, 28, 1-25.

  38. Share, D.L., Jorm, A. F., Maclean, R., & Matthews, R. (2002). Auditory temporal processing and specific reading disability. Reading and Writing, 15, 151-178.

  39. Cunningham, A., E., Perry, K.E., Stanovich, K. E., & Share, D. L. (2002). Orthographic learning during reading: Examining the role of self-teaching . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 82, 185-199

  40. Share, D. L., & Silva, P. A. (2003). Gender bias in IQ-discrepancy and post-discrepancy definitions of reading disability. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 36, 4-14.

  41. Shatil, E., & Share, D. L. (2003). Cognitive antecedents of early Hebrew reading ability: A test of the cognitive modularity hypothesis . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 86, 1-31

  42. Abu-Rabia, S., Share, D. L., & Mansour, M. S. (2003). Word recognition and basic cognitive abilities among reading-disabled and normal readers in Arabic . Reading and Writing, 16, 423-442.

  43. Share, D. L., & Leikin, M. (2003). Language impairment at school entry and later reading disability: Connections at lexical and supra-lexical levels of reading . Scientific Studies of Reading , 8, 87-110.

  44. Share, D. L. (2004). Orthographic learning at a glance: On the time course and developmental onset of self-teaching . Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 87 , 267-298 .

  45. Share, D. L. (2004). Knowing letter names and learning letter sounds: A causal connection. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 88, 213-233

  46. Share, D.L. & Shalev, C. (2004). Self-teaching in normal and disabled readers. Reading and Writing, 17, 1-31.

  47. Leikin, M., Share, D. L., & Schwartz, M. (2005). Difficulties of L2 Hebrew reading in Russian-speaking second graders. Reading and Writing.

  48. Share D. L., & Blum, P. (2005). Syllable splitting among literate and pre-literate Hebrew-speakers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology .

  49. Schwartz, M., Leikin, M., & Share, D. L. (2006). Bi-literate bilingualism versus mono-literate bilingualism: A longitudinal study of reading acquisition in Hebrew (L2) among Russian-speaking (L1) children. Written Language and Literacy, 8, 179-206.

  50. Share D. L. (2008). On the Anglocentricities of Current Reading Research and Practice: The Perils of Overreliance on an "Outlier" Orthography . Psychological Bulletin, 134 (4), 584–615.

  51. Share, D. L. (2008). Orthographic learning, phonology and the self-teaching hypothesis . In R. Kail (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 36, (pp. 31-82). Amsterdam: Elsevier

  52. de Jong, P. F., & Share, D. L. (in press). Orthographic learning during silent and oral reading. Scientific Studies of Reading.

  53. Share, D.L. Common Misconceptions about the Phonological Deficit Theory of Dyslexia. Brain Sci. 2021, 11, 1510. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11111510